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Pump Talk: A Consideration of Vanderpump Rules

Sep 28, 2020

We catch up with each other and discuss the gang's pregnancy pact, Stassi's interview with Tamron Hall and, since the world is ending, we also chatted about the Southern Charm Season 7 trailer. 

**Vanderpump starts around 15min**

We release new episodes every Thursday Check out our twitter, Facebook, and Instagram --...

Jun 18, 2020

Lots of news this week as we finish off the season with reunion number 3!

*Vanderpump starts around min 7*

We release new episodes every Thursday Check out our twitter, Facebook, and Instagram -- @talkpump.  Email us with corrections, comments or pump stories at talkpump@gmail.

Jun 11, 2020

It's a heavy week of Pump Talk, we do our best to unpack the firing of major cast members and we discuss virtual reunions 1&2. 

*News starts right away, episodes start 30 minutes in*

We release new episodes every Thursday Check out our twitter, Facebook, and Instagram -- @talkpump.  Email us with corrections, comments...

Jun 4, 2020

Pump Talk stands with the Black Community in the fight against racism and injustice. There will be no new episode this week. 

May 21, 2020

We have finally made it to the season finale and it doesn't disappoint!

*Vanderpump Starts around min 15ish*

We release new episodes every Thursday Check out our twitter, Facebook, and Instagram -- @talkpump.  Email us with corrections, comments or pump stories at talkpump@gmail.